HomeMeasurement System Analysis (MSA) Training Presentation
Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Training Presentation
Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Training Presentation

Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Training Presentation

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➡️ Refer to the below details of this Presentation Bundle

  • MSA Training Presentation – 720 Slides
  • Excel Template for MSA Training Presentation



  • Measurement System Analysis Introduction
  • CHAPTER I General Measurement System Guidelines
  • CHAPTER II General Concepts for Assessing Measurement Systems
  • CHAPTER III Recommended Practices for Replicable Measurement Systems
  • CHAPTER IV Other Measurement Concepts and Practices
  • Glossary
  • Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Data Collection Sheet
  • Tips of Successfully Conducting of MSA
  • Limitations of MSA
  • Advantages of MSA
  • Disadvantages of MSA
  • Benefits of MSA


➡️ Measurement System Analysis Introduction

  • What is MSA?
  • Basics of Measurement System Analysis
  • Key Milestones of MSA
  • When to Use MSA?
  • Why MSA is Required?
  • Objective of MSA
  • Who Should Be Involved in MSA?
  • Preparation For an MSA Gage Capability Study


➡️ CHAPTER I General Measurement System Guidelines


➡️ Section A Introduction, Purpose and Terminology

  • Introduction – General Measurement System
  • Quality of Measurement Data
  • Purpose – General Measurement System
  • Terminology – General Measurement System
  • Summary of Terms – Measurement System
  • Standards and Traceability
  • National Measurement Institutes
  • Traceability
  • Calibration Systems
  • True Value


➡️ Section B The Measurement Process

  • Measurement Systems
  • Statistical Properties of Measurement Systems
  • Sources of Variation
  • Measurement System Variability Cause and Effect Diagram
  • The Effects of Measurement System Variability
  • Effect on Decisions
  • Effect on Product Decisions
  • Effect on Process Decisions
  • New Process Acceptance
  • Process Setup/Control (Funnel Experiment)


➡️ Section C Measurement Strategy and Planning

  • Introduction - Measurement Strategy & Planning
  • Complexity - Measurement Strategy & Planning
  • Identify The Purpose of The Measurement Process
  • Measurement Life Cycle
  • Criteria for a Measurement Process Design Selection
  • Research Various Measurement Process Methods
  • Develop and Design Concepts and Proposals


➡️ Section D Measurement Source Development          

  • Introduction - Measurement Source Development          
  • Datum Coordination      
  • Prerequisites and Assumptions 
  • Gage Source Selection Process: Develop the Quotation Package  
  • Detailed Engineering Concept    
  • Preventive Maintenance Considerations
  • Specifications   
  • Evaluate the Quotations
  • Qualification at the Supplier      
  • Shipment Checklist        
  • Qualification at the Customer    
  • Documentation Delivery             
  • Suggested Elements for a Measurement System Development Checklist  
  • Measurement System Design and Development Issues   
  • Measurement System Build Issues (equipment, standard, instrument)     
  • Measurement System Implementation Issues (process)  


➡️ Section E Measurement Issues        

  • Fundamentals of Measurement Issues   
  • Types of Measurement System Variation
  • Definitions and Potential Sources of Variation     
  • Operational Definition  
  • Standard           
  • Reference Standards     
  • Measurement and Test Equipment (M&TE)         
  • Calibration Standard     
  • Transfer Standard          
  • Master 
  • Working Standard          
  • Check Standard
  • Reference Value
  • True Value         
  • Discrimination  
  • Measurement Process Variation
  • Location Variation          
  • Accuracy            
  • Bias      
  • Stability
  • Linearity            
  • Width Variation
  • Precision            
  • Repeatability    
  • Reproducibility 
  • Gage R&R or GRR           
  • Sensitivity          
  • Consistency      
  • Uniformity        
  • Measurement System Variation
  • Capability          
  • Performance    
  • Uncertainty       
  • Comments        
  • Relationships between Bias and Repeatability    


➡️ Section F Measurement Uncertainty

  • Measurement Uncertainty Introduction
  • Measurement Uncertainty and MSA
  • Measurement Traceability
  • ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement


➡️ Section G Measurement Problem Analysis

  • Measurement Problem Analysis Introduction
  • Step 1: Identify the Issues
  • Step 2: Identify the Team
  • Step 3: Flowchart of Measurement System and Process
  • Step 4: Cause and Effect Diagram
  • Step 5: Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA)
  • Step 6: Possible Solution and Proof of the Correction
  • Step 7: Institutionalize the Change


➡️ CHAPTER II General Concepts for Assessing Measurement Systems

➡️ Section A Background

➡️ Section B Selecting/Developing Test Procedures

➡️ Section C Preparation for a Measurement System Study

➡️ Section D Analysis of the Results

  • Analysis of the Results
  • Assembly or Fixture Error
  • Acceptability Criteria – Gage Assembly and Fixture Error
  • Location Error
  • Acceptability Criteria – Location Error
  • Width Error
  • Acceptability Criteria – Width Error
  • GRR Criteria
  • Additional Width Error Metric
  • Comments on the Application and Gage Acceptability


➡️ CHAPTER III Recommended Practices for Replicable Measurement Systems

➡️ Section A Example Test Procedures

➡️ Section B Variable Measurement System Study Guidelines

  • Variable Measurement System Study Guidelines Introduction
  • Guidelines for Determining Stability
  • Conducting the Study
  • Analysis of Results – Graphical
  • Analysis of Results – Numerical
  • Example – Stability
  • Guidelines for Determining Bias – Independent Sample Method
  • Conducting the Study
  • Analysis of Results – Graphical
  • Analysis of Results – Numerical
  • Example – Bias
  • Guidelines for Determining Bias – Control Chart Method
  • Conducting the Bias Study
  • Analysis of Results – Graphical
  • Example – Bias
  • Analysis of Bias Studies
  • Guidelines for Determining Linearity
  • Conducting the Linearity Study
  • Analysis of Results – Graphical
  • Analysis of Results – Numerical
  • Example – Linearity
  • Guidelines for Determining Repeatability and Reproducibility
  • Range Method
  • Average and Range Method
  • Conducting the Study
  • Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Data Collection Sheet
  • Analysis of Results – Graphical
  • Average Chart
  • Range Chart
  • Run Chart
  • Scatter Plot
  • Whiskers Chart
  • Error chart
  • Normalized Histogram
  • X-Y Plot of Averages by Size
  • Comparison X-Y Plots
  • Numerical Calculations
  • Analysis of Results - Numerical
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Method
  • Randomization and Statistical Independence
  • Conducting the ANOVA Study
  • Graphical Analysis
  • Numerical Calculations
  • Analysis of GRR Studies


➡️ Section C Attribute Measurement Systems Study

  • Attribute Measurement Systems Study Introduction
  • Risk Analysis Methods
  • Possible Approaches
  • Scenario
  • Hypothesis Test Analyses – Cross-Tab Method
  • Sample Size
  • Concerns
  • Signal Detection Approach
  • Analytic Method


➡️ CHAPTER IV Other Measurement Concepts and Practices

➡️ Section A Practices for Non-Replicable Measurement Systems

  • Practices for Non-Replicable Measurement Systems
  • Destructive Measurement Systems
  • Systems Where the Part Changes On Use/Test


➡️ Section B Stability Studies

  • S1: Single Part, Single Measurement Per Cycle
  • S2: n ≥ 3 Parts P, Single Measurement Per Cycle Per Part:
  • S3: Large Sample from a Stable Process
  • S4: Split Specimens (General), Single Specimen Per Cycle
  • S5: Test Stands
  • S5a: Attribute Responses
  • S5b: Variable Data Responses


➡️ Section C Variability Studies

  • Variability Studies Introduction
  • Variability Studies
  • V1: Standard GRR Studies
  • V2: Multiple Readings With p ≥ 2 Instruments
  • V3: Split specimens (m = 2)
  • V3a – V3 with Pairs of Consecutive Parts
  • V4: Split Specimens (General)
  • V4a – V4 with Pairs of Consecutive (homogeneous) Parts from Different Lots
  • V5: Same as V1 with Stabilized Parts
  • V6: Time Series Analysis
  • V7: Linear Analysis
  • Analyze by linear regression
  • V8: Time versus Characteristic (Property) Degradation
  • V9: V2 with Simultaneous Multiple Readings and p ≥ 3 Instruments


➡️ Section D Recognizing the Effect of Excessive Within-Part Variation


➡️ Section E Average and Range Method – Additional Treatment

  • Procedural Steps
  • Worksheet Example
  • Steps Used in Completing the Worksheet Example


➡️ Section F Gage Performance Curve

  • Gage Performance Curve
  • Gage Performance Curve Example


➡️ Section G Reducing Variation Through Multiple Readings

  • Reducing Variation Through Multiple Readings
  • Example


➡️ Section H Pooled Standard Deviation Approach to GRR

  • Introduction Pooled Standard Deviation Approach to GRR
  • Sequential Application
  • Conducting the Study
  • Consistency Statistics



➡️ Appendix A: Analysis of Variance Concepts

➡️ Appendix B: Impact of GRR on the Capability Index Cp

  • Formulas
  • Analysis
  • Graphical Analysis


➡️ Appendix C: d2* Table

➡️ Appendix D: Gage R Study

➡️ Appendix E: Alternate PV Calculation Using Error Correction Term

➡️ Appendix F: P.I.S.M.O.E.A. Error Model

  • P.I.S.M.O.E.A. Error Model
  • Examples of P.I.S.M.O.E.A. Error Model


➡️ Glossary

➡️ Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Data Collection Sheet

➡️ Tips of Successfully Conducting of MSA

➡️ Limitations of MSA

➡️ Advantages of MSA

➡️ Disadvantages of MSA

➡️ Benefits of MSA

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