➡️ Sample File: ➡️ Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training Presentation
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➡️ Refer to the below details of this Presentation Bundle
- Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training Presentation – 3111 Slides
- Lean Six Sigma Excel Templates – 24 Nos
➡️ You Will Learn Below Things in This Presentation
➡️ UNIT 1: Introduction to Six Sigma
- Chapter 1: What is Six Sigma?
- Chapter 2: Six Sigma History and Application
- Chapter 3: Process Improvement & Quality Methods
- Chapter 4: Lean Concepts
- Chapter 5: Basic Six Sigma Concepts
- Chapter 6: Approaching the Problem
➡️ Unit 2: Projects and Processes
- Chapter 7: What is a Process?
- Chapter 8: Quality
- Chapter 9: Selecting the Right Projects
- Chapter 10: Basic Six Sigma Team Management
- Chapter 11: Introduction to DMAIC and DMADV
➡️ Unit 3: Advanced DMAIC
- Chapter 12: Define
- Chapter 13: Measure
- Chapter 14: Analyze
- Chapter 15: Improve
- Chapter 16: Control
➡️ Unit 4: Beginner Statistics
- Chapter 17: Intermediate Graphical Analysis
- Chapter 18: Normal Probability Distributions
- Chapter 19: Correlation and Regression
➡️ Unit 5: Intermediate Statistics
- Chapter 20: Non-Normal Probability Distributions
- Chapter 21: Hypothesis Testing
- Chapter 22: Sample Size
- Chapter 23: Advanced Control Charts
- Chapter 24: Applying Statistics to Business Applications through Six Sigma
➡️ Unit 6: Advanced Control
- Chapter 25: Introduction to Minitab
- Chapter 26: Graphs and Quality Tools in Minitab
- Chapter 27: The Stat Menu in Minitab
➡️ Unit 7: Experiments
- Chapter 28: Analysis of Variance (1-Way ANOVA)
- Chapter 29: Design of Experiments
- Chapter 30: Interactions, Multi-Level Factorials, and Creating Experiments
➡️ Unit 8: Minitab
- Chapter 31: Brainstorming & Process Improvement Tools
- Chapter 32: Process Maps
- Chapter 33: Value Stream Mapping
➡️ Unit 1: Introduction to Six Sigma
➡️ Chapter 1: What is Six Sigma?
- What is the Six Sigma Methodology?
- Quality: OLD Belief vs NEW Belief – Cost vs Quality
- Different Approaches of Six Sigma
- Six Sigma as a Symbol
- Six Sigma as a Value
- Six Sigma as a Measure
- Six Sigma as a Benchmark
- Six Sigma as a Method
- Six Sigma as a Philosophy
- Six Sigma as a Tool
- Why is it Six Sigma?
- The Goal of a Six Sigma Methodology
- Data Driven Processes and Decisions
- Decision Making Without Six Sigma
- What is beta testing?
- Decision Making with Six Sigma
- Defining 6σ
- Real World Examples
- Calculating Sigma Level
- Sigma Level Is Not a Final Indicator
- Sigma Level vs DPMO vs Yield %
- How Good is Good Enough?
- 3-Sigma Process vs 6-Sigma Process
- Common Six Sigma Principles
- Customer-Focused Improvement
- Continuous Process Improvement
- Variation
- Removing Waste
- Equipping People
- Controlling the Process
- Challenges of Six Sigma
➡️ Chapter 2: Six Sigma History and Application
- Six Sigma History and Application
- Milestones of Six Sigma
- Lean Concept
- Six Sigma Concept
- How Lean Six Sigma Concept was Born?
- What is Lean Six Sigma?
- Key Principles of Lean Six Sigma
- Benefits of Lean Six Sigma
- The Development of Statistical Process Control
- Continuous Process Improvement: Toyota and Lean
- What is Jidoka?
- Motorola’s Focus on Defects
- ABB, Allied Signal, and General Electric
- Continued Growth of Six Sigma
- Applying Six Sigma Knowledge
- Six Sigma Roles and Responsibilities
- Executive Leadership
- Champion or Sponsor
- Process Owner
- Master Black Belt
- Black Belt
- Green Belt
- Yellow Belt
- White Belt
- Certification Exams
➡️ Chapter 3: Other Process Improvement and Quality Methods
- Other Process Improvement and Quality Methods
- Other Formal Quality or Process Improvement Programs
- Lean Process Management
- Total Quality Management
- Business Process Reengineering
- Rummler-Brache
- Scrum
- The Customer Experience Management Method (CEM)
- Jump Start
- When to Use Six Sigma?
➡️ Chapter 4: Lean Concepts
- Lean Concepts
- What is Lean?
- Goals of Lean
- Benefits of Lean
- Five Principles of Lean
- The Eight Muda
- Transportation Waste
- Inventory Waste
- Motion Waste
- Waiting Waste
- Over Processing Waste
- Over Production Waste
- Defects Waste
- Not Utilizing talent Waste
- Other Forms of Waste
- Two Types of Muda
- Type I Muda
- Type II Muda
- 5S Methodology
- Phase 1: Sort
- Phase 2: Straighten (Set in order)
- Phase 3: Shine
- Phase 4: Standardize
- Phase 5: Sustain
- Benefits of 5S Method Implementation
- Just-in-Time Manufacturing
- Poka-Yoke
- Different Examples of Poka-Yoke
- Steps of Poka-Yoke Implementation
- Different Types of Poka-Yokes
- Control Poka-Yoke
- Warning Poka-Yoke
- Contact method Poka-Yoke
- Fixed value method Poka-Yoke
- Motion-step method Poka-Yoke
- Six Poka-Yoke Techniques for Error Proofing
- Takt Time Formula and Example
- TRIZ – The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
- 40 TRIZ Principles
- Kanban
- Toyota's Six Rules of Kanban
- Example of Three Bin Kanban System
- Electronic Kanban System
- 6 Core Practices of the Kanban Method
- Rules of Kanban
- Cellular Manufacturing
- Examples of Cellular Manufacturing
- Implementation of Cellular Manufacturing
➡️ Chapter 5: Basic Six Sigma Concepts
- Basic Six Sigma Concepts
- Standard Deviation
- Calculating Standard Deviation for Population Data
- Calculating Standard Deviation with Sample Data
- Why Calculate Standard Deviation?
- The Pareto Principle
- Use of Pareto Charts
- Voice of the Customer
- Four steps to understand our customer
- What is a customer?
- Tools for Analyzing VOCs
- Kano Model
- Affinity Diagram
- Building a VOC Campaign
- General Feedback
- Specific Feedback
- Selecting the Right VOC Tools
- The Likert Scale
- Basic Metrics
- Defects
- Defect vs Defectives
- Defects per million opportunities (DPMO)
- Defects per unit (DPU)
- First Time Yield (FTY)
- Example of First Pass Yield (FPY)
- Rolled Throughput yield (RTY)
- Example of Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)
➡️ Chapter 6: Approaching the Problem
- Approaching the Problem
- Problem-Solving Strategy in Six Sigma Project
- Example of Problem-Solving Strategy
- Where to Focus During the Six Sigma Project?
- Characteristics for Successful Six Sigma Projects
- Foundation of Six Sigma Project
- Problem Functions: y = f(x)
- The 5 Whys
- When to Use 5 Whys?
- Conducting a 5 Whys Session
- Creating a Problem Statement
- Example of a Strong Problem Statement
- Example of a Weak Problem Statement
- Writing Your Own Problem Statement
- Scope and Scope Creep
➡️ Chapter 7: What is a Process?
- Projects and Processes
- What is a Process?
- Different Examples of Processes
- Four Layers of the Process Definition
- The Steps
- Processing Time
- Interdependencies
- Resources and Assignment
- Major Process Components
- Inputs
- Outputs
- Events
- Tasks
- Decisions
- Process Owners
- Data
- Defining Process Components: The SIPOC
- Benefits of a SIPOC Diagram
- Creating a SIPOC Diagram
- Tips for a SIPOC Brainstorming Session
- Sample SIPOC Diagrams
- Business-Level SIPOC Diagram
- SIPOC of an Automated Process
- SIPOC with Enablers Noted
- Create Your Own SIPOC Diagram
➡️ Chapter 8: Quality
- What is Quality?
- Critical to Quality Characteristics
- Examples of Product CTQ’s
- Examples of Service CTQ’s
- Developing CTQ’s
- Why Identify CTQs?
- Using a CTQ Tree to Convert Customer Needs to Quality Metrics
- Identify Critical-to-Customer Needs
- Identify Drivers of Quality
- List Requirements for Each Driver
- The CoQ and the CoPQ
- The Cost of Poor Quality
- Calculating the Cost of Poor Quality
- The Cost of Quality
- Calculating the Cost of Quality
- The Cost of Quality and Six Sigma
- Sigma Level vs Cost of Quality as a % of Sales
- Managing Cost of Quality
- COPQ and Lean
- The 8 Lean Wastes
- Examples of COPQ – Hard Savings
- Examples of COPQ – Soft Savings
- Quality is Critical to Success
➡️ Chapter 9: Selecting the Right Projects
- Selecting the Right Projects
- Juggling the Right Amount of Projects
- Enterprise-Level Selection Process
- Five Steps procedure for identifying Six Sigma projects
- Data-Based Review of Current State of the Organization
- Brainstorm and Describe Potential Projects
- Apply Some Basic Criteria to Shorten the List
- Create Unique Business Criteria
- Use Business Criteria to Prioritize Project Lists
- The Project Viability Model
- Project Selection at a Process Level
➡️ Chapter 10: Basic Six Sigma Team Management
- Basic Six Sigma Team Management
- Building a Six Sigma Team
- Three Types of Team Members
- Tips for Selecting Team Members
- Team Member Roles
- Sponsors and Champions
- Business or Process Owners
- Six Sigma Leaders
- Project Managers
- Timekeeper
- Scribes or Minute-Takers
- Team Members
- Timelines, Scheduling, and Milestones
- Phase-Based Timeline
- Critical Path Method
- Creating a Critical Path Diagram
- Milestone Meetings
- Budgets
- Defined Measures of Success
➡️ Chapter 11: Introduction to DMAIC and DMADV
- Introduction to DMAIC and DMADV
- What is Change Management?
- Phase 1: Define
- Phase 2: Measure
- Phase 3: Analyze
- Phase 4: Improve or Design
- Phase 5: Control or Verify
- Which Methodology Would You Use?
- DMAIC Methodology vs DMADV Methodology
- Define
- Measure
- Analyze
- Improve
- Control
- Design
- Verify
- Breaking up the Elephant
➡️ Chapter 12: Define
- Define
- Goals of Define Phase
- Project Selection
- Approaches to Project Selection:
- Project Selection – Core Components:
- Business Case
- Project Charter
- Benefits Analysis
- Project Responsibility vs Resource vs Frequency of Update:
- Creating a Project Charter
- Minimally, team charters should include
- Benefits of an Organizational Team Charter Template
- Details for Charter Elements
- Key Elements of Project Charter
- Details for Charter Elements
- Example of Project Charter
- Tips for Preparing an Effective Project Charter
- Project Ground Rules
- Define Toolset
- Stakeholder Analysis
- In and Out of the Box Method
- Is/Is Not Matrix
- Team Charter Template
➡️ Chapter 13: Measure
- Measure
- Activities of the Measure Phase
- Failure Modes and Effect Analysis
- What is FMEA?
- History of FMEA
- When to Do Failure Mode and Effects Analysis?
- Review and/or Updating of the FMEA
- Who Does an FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)?
- Four Common Classes of FMEA
- Benefits of FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)
- Severity in FMEA
- Severity Table
- Occurrence in FMEA
- Occurrence Table
- Detection in FMEA
- Detection Table
- RPN Number (Risk Priority Number) in FMEA
- Example of RPN Number
- What is PFMEA or Process FMEA?
- 10 Simple steps for making PFMEA
- Types of Data
- Classification of Data
- Discrete Data
- Discrete (Count) Data
- Example of Discrete Data
- Continuous Data
- Example of Continuous Data
- Collecting Data
- Manufacturing Example to understand short-term vs. long-term data
- Choosing Between Discrete and Continuous Data
- Levels of Data
- Nominal Data
- Ordinal Data
- Interval Data
- Ratio Data
- Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
- Purpose of Measurement
- Accuracy and Precision
- Example - Accuracy and Precision
- Uses of MSA
- Why to Use MSA?
- SWIPE Concept in MSA
- Variation in Measurement System
- Classification of Variation in Measurement System
- Repeatability
- Reproducibility
- Bias in Measurement System Analysis
- Linearity in Measurement System Analysis
- Stability in Measurement System Analysis
- Types of MSA (Measurement System Analysis)
- Five Parameters of GRR (Gauge R&R) Study
- Equipment Variation (EV)
- Appraiser Variation (AV)
- Gauge Repeatability & Reproducibility (Gauge R&R)
- Part Variation (PV)
- Total Variation (TV)
- Six Steps for GRR Study
- Interpreting the GRR Study Results
- NDC Value in Gauge R&R Study
- Reason of Poor Measurement System
- Improvement Points in Gauge R&R study
- Attribute MSA Study
- Attribute MSA Purpose
- Collecting Data
- Choosing the Best Measurement Systems
- Creating Accuracy
- Addressing Resolution
- Adjusting for Errors of Linearity
- Stability
- Gage R&R
- Attribute Gage R&R
- Attribute Gage R&R Data Collection
- Variable Gage R&R
- What is Population?
- What is a Sample?
- How Population and Sample are Used in Statistical Inference
- Examples of Using Population and Sample Data
- Collecting Data Samples
- Simple Random Sampling
- Stratified Sampling
- Sequential Sampling
- Samples that are not Random
- Delivering a Baseline Metric
- Baseline Performance
- Delivering a Baseline Metric
- Run Charts
- Create Basic Run Charts in Excel
- Measure Tollgate Checklist
➡️ Chapter 14: Analyze
- Analyze
- Root Cause Analysis
- Cause and Effect or Fishbone, Diagram
- 6M concepts in Manufacturing
- 8P concept in Marketing
- 4S concept in Service Industry
- Cause and Effect Diagram With Detailed Sub Causes
- When We Can Use the Fishbone or Ishikawa
- 6M Category Wise Questions for Cause-and-Effect Diagram
- Classifying the Cause-and-Effect
- Cause and Effect Brainstorm Example
- Example of Fishbone Diagram
- Five Why Analysis
- Why problem analysis is required?
- What is the problem, cause, root cause, and countermeasure?
- Key points of Why-why Analysis
- How to perform Why-why analysis?
- Idea of countermeasure
- Example of Five Why Analysis
- Root Cause Verification Matrix
- Graphical Analysis
- Graphical Concepts
- The characteristics of a good graph include
- Pareto Chart
- What is Pareto Principle?
- 5-Steps in Making Pareto Chart
- Control Impact Matrix
- What is a Control - Impact Matrix?
- When to use a Control - Impact Matrix?
- How to make a Control - Impact Matrix?
- Variations in Control Impact Matrix
- Effort - Benefit matrix / Cost-Benefit Matrix
- Prioritization Matrix
- Complex Prioritization Matrix Example
- Box Plots
- Box Plot Structure
- Dot Plot
- Time Series Plot
- Statistical Analysis
- Purpose of Basic Statistics
- Statistical Notation – Cheat Sheet
- Statistics Overview
- The purpose of sampling
- Hypothesis Testing
- Correlation and Regression Analysis
- When Correlation and Linear Regression are Used?
- Correlation Analysis
- Correlation Coefficient
- Scatter Diagram
- Different Names of Scatter Diagram
- Different uses of Scatter Diagram
- Examples of Relation Between Two Variables
- How to make a Scatter Diagram?
- Interpretation of Scatter Chart
- What is Correlation?
- Types of Correlation in Scatter Diagram
- Different possible correlation between two variables
- Perfect Positive Correlation
- Perfect Negative Correlation
- No Correlation
- Examples of Different Correlation Between Two Variables
- Tips For Using Scatter Diagrams Effectively
- Limitations of Correlation
- Regression Analysis
- Prediction Equations
- What is Regression Analysis?
- Formula of Simple Linear Regression Analysis
- How to Interpret Regression Analysis?
- Real-life Examples of Regression Analysis
- Different Types of Regression Analysis
- Difference Between Regression and Correlation
- Designing Experiments
- Reasons for Experiments
- Desired Results of Experiments
- DOE Models vs. Physical Models
- Definition for Design of Experiments
- Design of Experiments
- Basic Flow for Design of Experiments
- Factors in an Experiment
- Different Factors in an Experiment
- Design of Experiments Terminology
- How to Apply Design of Experiments?
- Selecting the Factors
- Setting the Levels
- Evaluating the Response
- 5 Phases of Design of Experiments (DoE)
- Planning
- Screening
- Modelling
- Optimizing
- Verifying
- Items to Avoid When Conducting a Designed Experiment
- Common Cause Variation Vs. Special Cause Variation
- Special Cause Variation
- Characteristics of Special Cause Variation
- Examples of Special Cause Variation
- Common Cause Variation
- Characteristics of Common Causes Variation
- Examples of Common Causes Variation
- Mission During the Lean Six Sigma Project
- Central Limit Theorem
- Practical Example – Central Limit Theorem
- Analyze Tollgate Checklist
➡️ Chapter 15: Improve
- Improve
- Selecting Solutions
- Selecting improvements to implement
- Improvement Impact Considerations
- Time frame of improvements
- Effectiveness of the improvement types
- Improvement Cost Considerations
- Initial cost to implement improvement
- Time to implement improvement
- Improvement Selection Matrix
- Example of Improvement Selection Matrix
- Solutions Selection Matrix
- An example solutions selection matrix
- Proposed Solution
- Matrix Diagram
- When to Use Matrix Diagram
- Different types of Matrix Diagrams
- How to Select the Matrix Diagram Type?
- 6 Steps for Making a Matrix Diagram
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Net Present Value (NPV)
- Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)
- Six Steps of Cost Benefit Analysis
- Principles of Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Importance of Cost-Benefit analysis
- Payback, or Pay Off, Analysis
- Identify Solutions
- Implementing Solutions
- Piloting a Solution
- Analyze Pilot and Test Results
- Organizing the Project/Process Completion
- Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC)
- When We Can Use a PDPC Chart?
- How to Make a PDPC Chart?
- Example of PDPC Chart
- Tree Diagram
- When to Use the Tree Diagram?
- How to Make a Tree Diagram?
- Example of Tree Diagram as Root Cause Analysis Tool
- Pilot Plan
- Planning Implementation
- Implementation Plan
- Five categories of fool-proof plan
- The Work Plan
- Resource Plan
- Stakeholder Management Plan
- Risk Assessment Plan
- Quality Control Plan
- Documentation
- Training
- Transition
- Improve Tollgate Checklist
➡️ Chapter 16: Control
- Control
- Four techniques used for process control plans
- The key elements of a full-scale implementation plan
- Goals of Control Phase
- Lean Controls
- The Vision of Lean Supporting Your Project
- What is Waste (MUDA)?
- 7 Basic Elements of Waste (Muda In Japanese)
- The Goal of Lean Control
- 5S - Workplace Organization
- The Visual Factory
- What is Standardized Work?
- What is Kaizen?
- What is Kanban?
- Revise FMEA
- Control Plan
- Who Should Create a Control Plan?
- Reasons for control plan requirement
- Control Plan Information
- Control Plan Example
- Training Plan
- Who/What organizations require training?
- Documentation Plan
- Monitoring Plan
- Response Plan
- Response Plan – Abnormality Report
- Create a Control Plan
- Common elements of a control plan
- Control Plans Overview
- Visual Management
- Statistical Process Control
- Purpose of Statistical Process Control
- Collecting Data
- SPC Charts
- Elements of Control Charts
- Understanding the Power of SPC
- Steps for Constructing Control Charts
- Focus of Six Sigma and the Use of SPC
- Control Chart Framework
- Control and Out of Control
- Size of Subgroups
- The Impact of Variation
- Frequency of Sampling
- Control Chart Selection Process
- Different Types of Control Charts Based on Continuous Data
- Different Types of Control Charts Based on Discrete Data (Count)
- Classification of Control Charts
- Understanding Variable Control Chart Selection
- Average & Range or S (X-Bar and R or X-Bar and S)
- Individua l and Moving Range
- Pre-Control
- Exponentially Weighted Moving Average
- Cumulative Sum
- P-Chart
- nP-Chart
- C-Chart
- U-Chart
- Understanding Variable Control Chart Selection
- Detection of Assignable Causes or Patterns
- Recommended Special Cause Detection Rules
- Chart Center Line and Control Limit Calculations
- Pre-Control Charts
- Process Setup and Restart with Pre-Control
- Qualifying Process
- Monitoring Ongoing Process
- I-MR Chart
- X-Bar-R Chart
- U Chart
- Procedure for U Chart
- P Chart
- Procedure for P Chart
- Statistical Process Control Tests: Control Charts
- Interpretation of Control Chart
- Control Versus Capability
- Sigma Level
- Process Capability
- Capability as a Statistical Problem
- Capability Analysis
- Process Output Categories
- Problem Solving Options – Shift the Mean
- Problem Solving Options – Reduce Variation
- Problem Solving Options – Shift Mean & Reduce Variation
- Components of Variation
- Stability of Process
- Capability Studies
- Steps to Capability Study
- Verifying the Specifications
- Measures of Capability
- Measures of Process Capability
- Attribute Capability Steps
- Z-Score Introduction
- Z-Scores vs Standard Deviation
- Interpretation of Z-Score with Example
- Defect Prevention and Control
- Sigma Level for Project Sustaining in Control
- 6-Sigma Product/Process Design
- 5 – 6-Sigma Full Automation System for Defect Control
- Full Automation System Example
- 4 – 5-Sigma Process Interruption for Defect Control
- Process Interruption
- 3 – 5-Sigma Mistake Proofing for Defect Controls
- Traditional Quality vs Mistake Proofing
- Styles of Mistake Proofing
- Mistake Proofing Devices Design
- Types of Mistake Proof Devices
- Contact Method
- Fixed Value Method
- Motion-Step Method
- Mistake Proofing Examples
- Advantages of Mistake Proofing as a Control Method
- Defect Prevention Culture and Good Control Plans
- Control Methods/Effectiveness
- Type 1 Corrective Action = Countermeasure
- Type 2 Corrective Action = Flag
- Type 3 Corrective Action = Inspection
- End of Control and Our Objectives
- Aligning Systems and Structures
- Organizational Change
- Team Celebration and Reflection
- Control Tollgate Checklist
➡️ Chapter 17: Intermediate Graphical Analysis
- Intermediate Graphical Analysis
- Additional Graphical Analysis Tools
- Bar Charts
- Create a Bar Chart in Excel
- Column versus Bar
- 3-D Bar and Column Charts
- Stacked Bar Charts
- Create a Stacked Bar Chart
- Pie Charts
- Benefits of pie charts
- X Y Scatter Diagrams
- Create a Scatter Diagram in Excel
- Creating an X-Bar Control Chart without Statistical Software
- Exercise
- Adding Free Data Analysis Tools to Excel
➡️ Chapter 18: Normal Probability Distributions
- Normal Probability Distributions
- Descriptive Statistics
- Measures of Location (central tendency)
- Measures of Variation (dispersion)
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Example of Central Tendency
- Mean (x̅ or μ)
- Median(M)
- Mode(Z)
- Measures of Location (Variation/dispersion):
- Range
- Interquartile Range
- Standard deviation
- Variance
- Inferential Statistics
- Two main types of inferential statistics
- Hypothesis testing
- Regression analysis
- Different Sampling Methods
- Inferential Statistics Examples
- Inferential Statistics vs Descriptive Statistics
- 5 Step Approach to Inferential Statistics
- Confidence Interval
- Different other tests are used in inferential statistics
- Probability Distributions
- DICE Example for Understanding Probability
- Basic Probability Practice
- Applying Basic Probability Concepts to Six Sigma Analysis
- Histograms
- Creating a Histogram in Excel
- Interpretation of the Histogram
- Normal Distribution
- Skewed Distribution
- Double Peaked / Bimodal
- Multi-Peaked / Multimodal
- Edge Peaked
- Truncated or Heart-cut
- Normal Distributions
- Characteristics of a Normal distribution
- Important properties of the normal distribution
- Empirical Rule
- Why Assess Normality?
- Tools for Assessing Normality
- Normality Testing in Excel: Chi-Squared Goodness-of-Fit Test
- Calculate descriptive statistics for the data
- Set up the hypothesis
- Understand the Chi-Squared Goodness-of-Fit test premise
- The Observed Bins & The Expected Bins
➡️ Chapter 19: Correlation and Regression
- Correlation and Regression
- Why work with correlation and regression at all?
- Correlation
- The Correlation Coefficient
- Calculating Correlation Coefficient in Excel
- CORREL Formula
- Data Analysis ToolPak
- Regression Analysis
- Different types of regressions
- 4 Types of Errors in Data
- Linear Regression Analysis
- Analyzing Regression Using the Data Analysis ToolPak
- Creating the Regression Worksheet
- Regression test with low correlation
- Using Correlation and Regression in Six Sigma
- Continuous and ratio data
➡️ Chapter 20: Non-Normal Probability Distributions
- Non-Normal Probability Distributions
- Reviewing Normal Probability Distributions
- Anatomy of a Normal Curve
- The normal curve
- Non-Normal Continuous Distributions
- Exponential Distribution
- Lognormal Distribution
- Weibull Distribution
- Other Types of Continuous Distributions
- Cauchy Distribution
- Logistic Distribution
- Laplace Distribution
- Uniform Distribution
- Beta Distribution
- Gamma Distributions
- Triangular Distribution
- Non-Normal Discrete Distributions
- Binomial Distribution
- Poisson Distribution
- Other Types of Discrete Distributions
- Geometric Distribution
- Negative Binomial
- Applying Data to Real-World Situations
➡️ Chapter 21: Hypothesis Testing
- Hypothesis Testing
- The Basic Concept for Hypothesis Testing
- Hypothesis Test Basics
- How Hypothesis Testing Works?
- Null Hypothesis and Alternate Hypothesis
- Hypothesis Testing Calculation With Examples
- Null Versus Alternative
- Steps of Hypothesis Testing
- Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals
- Simple and Composite Hypothesis Testing
- One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Hypothesis Testing
- Right Tailed Hypothesis Testing
- Left Tailed Hypothesis Testing
- The Risk of Hypothesis Testing Error
- Type 1 and Type 2 Error & Example
- Level of Significance
- P-Value
- Why is Hypothesis Testing Important in Research Methodology?
- Hypothesis Testing for Continuous Data - Normal & Non-Normal
- Hypothesis Testing Roadmap – Attribute Data
- Different Types of Hypothesis Testing
- Z test & T test
- Widely used T-tests
- One Sample T-Test
- Two Sample T-Test
- Paired T-Test
- Equal Variance T-Test
- Unequal Variance T-Test
- F test
- Chi-Square test
- ANOVA Test
- Selecting the Right Hypothesis Test
- Hypothesis Tests for Discrete Data
- 1-Proportion Test
- Example of the 1-Proportion Test
- 2 Proportion Test
- Example of the 2-Proportion Test
- Hypothesis Tests for Continuous Normal Data
- 1-Sample T Test (or Paired T Test)
- Example of the 1-Sample T Test
- Chi Square Test (or 1-Variance Test)
- Example of the Chi-Square Test (or 1-Variance Test)
- 2-Sample T Test
- Example of the 2-Sample T Test
- Hypothesis Tests for Continuous Non-Normal Data
- Chi-Square Test
- One Sample Wilcox
- Example of the One-Sample Wilcox
- Mann-Whitney Test
- Example of the Mann-Whitney Test
- Why Run Hypothesis Tests
- Running Hypothesis Tests
- Hypothesis Test Examples
- 1-Proportion Test
- Test and CI for One Proportion
- 1-Sample T Test
- 2-Sample T Test
- Two-Sample T-Test and CI: A, B
- One Sample Wilcox
- Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: Bedrooms
- Hypothesis Testing in Analyze, Improve, and Control
- A Review of Hypothesis Testing Terms
- Limitations of Hypothesis Testing
- Common Pitfalls to Avoid During Hypothesis Testing
➡️ Chapter 22: Sample Size
- Sample Size
- Download Minitab
- A Review of Hypothesis Testing Errors
- Type I Error
- Type II Error
- What Information is Required for Choosing Sample Size?
- Questions to Ask About Alpha, Beta, and Delta Values
- Guidelines for Setting Various Numbers When Calculating Sample Size
- When Testing Means for Continuous Data
- When Testing Variance for Continuous Data
- When Testing Proportions for Discrete/Binomial Data
- Sample Size Calculations: Choosing the Right Method
- Running and Analyzing Sample Size Tests in Minitab
- Power and Sample Size
- 1-Sample Z Test
- Sample Calculations for a 1-Sample T Test
- 1-Sample t Test
- Backing into target power
- Sample Calculations for a 1-Sample Proportion Test
- Sample Size Calculations for a 2-Sample T Test
- 2-Sample t Test
- A Reminder Regarding Random Samples
➡️ Chapter 23: Advanced Control Charts
- Advanced Control Charts
- Common Control Chart Types and When to Use Them
- Creating and Reading Control Charts in Minitab
- Practice Interpreting Control Charts
- Running a Hypothesis Test
- Common Cause versus Special Cause Variation
- Additional Minitab Control Charts
- The I & MR Chart (Within/Between)
- Exponentially Weighted Moving Average
- Cumulative Sum
➡️ Chapter 24: Applying Statistics to Business Applications by Six Sigma
- Applying Statistics to Business Applications through Six Sigma
- Common Challenges When Presenting Statistical Analysis
- Why Include Some Statistics?
- Tips for Creating Business-Friendly Presentations
- Understand the Target Audience
- Tell a Story with Text and Images
- Be Clear and Concise
- Don’t Misuse Your Tools
- Don’t Let the Presentation Drive the Project
➡️ Chapter 25: Introduction to Minitab
- Introduction to Minitab
- Overview of the Minitab Interface & Minitab Menu
- The Calc Menu Option
- Random Data
- Column and Row Statistics
- Probability Distributions
- Brief Review
- Calculating Multiple Probabilities at Once
- Remember to Work with the Right Probability Distribution
➡️ Chapter 26: Graphs and Quality Tools in Minitab
- Graphs and Quality Tools in Minitab
- The Graph Menu Option
- Scatter Plot
- Histogram
- Dotplot
- Boxplot
- Interval Plot
- Bar Chart
- Pie Chart
- The Stat Menu: Quality Tools
- Run Chart
- Pareto Chart
- Gage Studies
➡️ Chapter 27: The Stat Menu in Minitab
- The Stat Menu in Minitab
- Basic Statistics
- Descriptive and Store Descriptive Statistics
- Regression Analysis
- Statistical Tests
- Running Hypothesis Tests
- Examples of 1 Proportion Test, 1 Sample T Test, and
- Example of 2 – Sample T Test
- Hypothesis Test Steps Are Similar for all Types of Tests
➡️ Chapter 28: Analysis of Variance (1-Way ANOVA)
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Method
- One Way ANOVA
- Examples of when to use a one-way ANOVA
- Two Way ANOVA
- Analysis of Variance (1-Way ANOVA)
- Preparing for a 1-Way ANOVA
- Between versus Within Sample Variance
- Six assumptions about data before running a 1-way ANOVA test
- Running for a 1-Way ANOVA
- Validate Assumptions
- Run the 1-Way ANOVA Test
- What if Variances Aren’t Equal?
- The Hypothesis Test Assistance in Minitab
➡️ Chapter 29: Design of Experiments
- Design of Experiments
- When Analysis Can Occur on Existing Data
- Why Run an Experiment?
- Best-Guess Trial-and-Error versus Factorial Experiments
- Why Do People Think This is a Good Approach?
- What is Factorial Experimentation?
- Step-by-Step Guide for Creating a Designed Experiment
- Response, Factor, and Level
- Step-by-Step Guide to Running a 2k Factorial Experiment in Minitab
➡️ Chapter 30: Interactions, Multi-Level Factorials, and Creating Experiments
- Interactions, Multi-Level Factorials, and Creating Experiments
- The Importance of Understanding Interactions
- Understanding the Main Effect & Interaction Plots
- 2k Factorials Versus Multi-Level Factorials
- Tips for Creating Successful Designed Experiments
- Take Time to Think About the Y, or Response, of Your Experiment
- Plan Ahead, and Keep Excellent Documents
- Account for Confidence Levels
- Use Multiple Analysis and Experiments Together
➡️ Chapter 31: Brainstorming and Process Improvement Tools
- Brainstorming and Process Improvement Tools
- Activity Network Diagram
- Affinity Diagram
- Interrelationship Diagram
- Force Field Analysis
- Responsibility Chart
- Nominal Group Technique
- Check Sheets
- SWOT Analysis
- Brainstorming
- Brainstorming 'rules’ for productive session
- Different Types of Brainstorming
- How to Organize a Brainstorming Session?
- Four Principles of Brainstorming
- Quantity over quality
- Withhold criticism
- Welcome the crazy ideas
- Combine, refine, and improve ideas
- Tips for Brainstorming Activities
- Starburst Brainstorming
- Role-Play or Figuring Brainstorming
- Brainwriting
- The Pool Brainwriting Method
- The Card Brainwriting Method
- Brainstorming Alone
➡️ Chapter 32: Process Maps
- Process Maps
- What is Process Mapping?
- The Purpose of Process Maps
- Why Create Process Maps
- Types of Process Maps
- Activity Process Map
- Three categories of Activity Process Map
- Value-Added (VA) Activities
- Examples of Value-Added Activities (VA)
- Non-Value-Added (NVA) Activities
- Examples of Non-Value-Added Activities (NVA)
- Necessary Non-Value-Added Activities & Examples
- Detailed Process Map
- High-Level Process Map
- SIPOC Diagram
- 7 Simple steps for creation of a SIPOC Diagram
- Example of SIPOC Diagram
- Rendered Process Map
- Process Map Symbols
- Where Do These Shapes Come From?
- Include a Key with Your Process Map
- Basic Flow Charts
- General Guideline for Flowchart Making
- Types of Flowcharts
- Macro & Mini Flowchart
- Micro Flowchart/Detailed Process Map
- Examples of Flowcharts
- Creating a Swimlane Diagram
- Begin by Identifying the Swimlanes
- Create Step-by-Step List for Process Activities
- Example of Swimlane Diagram
- Tips for Creating Concise, Attractive Process Maps
➡️ Chapter 33: Value Stream Mapping
- Value Stream Mapping
- What is Value Stream Mapping?
- What is Value?
- What is a Value Stream?
- Different things Flow through the Stream
- Key Points to remember for Value Stream Mapping
- Evaluating the Seven Flows
- Value Stream Map Symbology
- Value Stream Mapping Tips
- Value Stream Mapping Steps
- Create a Value Stream Map Drawing
- Value Stream Mapping Example
- 5 Steps for Value Stream Mapping
- Gather Data & Information
- Create a Current State Map
- Collecting Data and Time Studies in VSM Study
- Examples of Data Required in this Study
- Process Steps in VSM Study
- Analysis of the Current State Map
- Future State Map & Action Plans
- Creating an Ideal and Future State
- Analysis of Future State Map
- Execute the Plan
- Align & Analysis of Current and Future State
- Keys Points for Successful VSM Study
- What Do You Do with Value Stream Maps?
- Tips for Creating a Future-State Value Stream Map
- Six Sigma in Healthcare
- Benefits of Six Sigma in a Healthcare Environment
- Challenges of Implementing Six Sigma in a Healthcare Environment
- Six Sigma Healthcare Case Study: Virtua Health’s Cardiac Program
- Six Sigma Healthcare Case Study: Medical Transcription
- Tips For Using Six Sigma in Healthcare
- Six Sigma in Information Technology
- Benefits of Six Sigma in a Information Technology
- Challenges of Implementing Six Sigma in a IT Environment
- Six Sigma IT Case Study: Cellphone Provider Web Service
- Six Sigma IT Case Study: IT Components of Control
- Tips For Using Six Sigma in IT
- Six Sigma in Engineering
- Benefits of Six Sigma in an Engineering Environment
- Challenges of Implementing Six Sigma in an Engineering Environment
- Six Sigma Engineering Case Study: IE in the Automotive Industry
- Six Sigma Engineering Case Study: Consistent CAD and PLM Solutions
- Tips For Using Six Sigma in Engineering
- Six Sigma in Manufacturing
- Benefits of Using Six Sigma in Manufacturing Industry
- Challenges of Using Six Sigma in the Manufacturing Industry
- Six Sigma Case Study: Machines vs Human Capital
- Case Study: Increasing Machinery Throughput Without More Machines
- Tips For Using Six Sigma in Manufacturing Industry
- 5S Audit Excel Checklist
- 5W2H Excel Template
- 8D Problem Solving Excel Template
- Automatic Histogram Excel Template
- Automatic Pareto Excel Template
- Automatic Scatter Chart
- Cause and Effect Diagram Excel Template
- Check Sheet Excel Template
- Control Plan Excel Template
- COQ and COPQ Calculation Excel Template
- Fishbone Diagram Template with Example
- GRR Study MSA Excel Template
- Kaizen Continuous Improvement Template
- Kaizen Excel Template
- Lean Six Sigma Project Charter Template
- MSA Gauge R&R Attribute Template
- OEE Excel Template
- PDCA Excel Template
- Process Flow Diagram Template
- Process FMEA Excel Template
- SPC Cp Cpk Study Excel Template
- SWOT Analysis Excel Template
- Why Why Analysis Excel Template
- SMART Goal Setting Excel Template
➡️ Tips for Successful Six Sigma Project
➡️ Limitations of Six Sigma Project
➡️ Advantages of Six Sigma Project
➡️ Disadvantages of Six Sigma Project
➡️ Benefits of Six Sigma Project