➡️ Sample File: ➡️ ISO 19011-2018 Presentation
➡️ Reach Us For any Query: https://wa.me/917984723501
➡️ What is ISO?
➡️ What is ISO 19011?
➡️ Fundamentals of ISO 19011
➡️ Key Changes in ISO 19011-2018
➡️ Objectives of ISO 19011
➡️ Benefits of ISO 19011
➡️ History of ISO 19011
➡️ Main Clauses
➡️ Scope
➡️ Normative Reference
➡️ Terms & Definitions
➡️ Principles of Auditing
- a. Integrity
- b. Fair Presentation
- c. Due Professional Care
- d. Confidentiality
- e. Independence
- f. Evidence Based Approach
- g. Risk Based Approach
➡️ Managing an Audit Programme
- General
- Establishing audit programme objectives
- Determining and evaluating audit programme risks and opportunities
- Establishing the audit programme
- Implementing audit programme
- Monitoring audit programme
- Reviewing and improving audit programme
➡️ Conducting an Audit
- General
- Initiating audit
- Preparing audit activities
- Conducting audit activities
- Preparing and distributing audit report
- Completing audit
- Conducting audit follow-up
➡️ Competence and Evaluation of Auditors
- General
- Determining auditor competence
- Establishing auditor evaluation criteria
- Selecting appropriate auditor evaluation method
- Conducting auditor evaluation
- Maintaining and improving auditor competence
➡️ Additional Guidance For Auditors Planning And Conducting Audits
- Applying audit methods
- Process approach to auditing
- Professional judgement
- Performance results
- Verifying information
- Sampling
- Auditing compliance within a management system
- Auditing context
- Auditing leadership and commitment
- Auditing risks and opportunities
- Life cycle
- Audit of supply chain
- Preparing audit work documents
- Selecting sources of information
- Visiting the auditee’s location
- Auditing virtual activities and locations
- Conducting interviews
- Audit findings